Student Parking at LSHS
Parking passes are available for either year-long or semester-long duration. They can be picked up beginning the first day of school or purchased during the semester. See complete details regarding parking at South in the LSHS Student Handbook on pages 41-42. Instructions to purchase the pass and documentation needed (2-part process) are as follows:
1. Log into the parent Infinite Campus application on your mobile device or visit:
2. Click on SCHOOL STORE in the left sidebar menu.
3. Click on the SHOP button for Lakeville South High School.
4. Click on VIEW under the Parking Permit.
5. In the pop-up window, fill out the Parking Permit Signup Form AND the form that allows you to add the Parking Permit to your cart. This is a 2-step process. The Signup Form provides the driver and vehicle information and the second step allows you to add your parking pass to the cart and gathers the payment information.
6. Continue through the checkout process in the Infinite Campus School Store to pay for your parking permit. Permits will be available for pick up during lunch.
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