Senior Information
Welcome Class of 2025!
Below are topics which pertain to senior students' year in high school.
Please continue to refer back to this page for continuous information updates and due dates for senior and graduation requirements. All senior students should check their school email often to help keep themselves updated on events and graduation.
Class of 2025 Graduation is Thursday, June 5, 2025!
Graduation Ceremony
WHERE: 3M Arena at Mariucci – U of M Campus (1901 4th St. SE, Minneapolis, MN)
TIME: Start time: 5:00 p.m. End time: 6:30 p.m.
GUESTS: We suggest 8 guests per graduate. No tickets are needed.
More details will be posted closer to date.
Senior Phonetics of name for Graduation
Seniors, if your name is difficult to pronounce, please fill out this form with the phonetic spelling of your name to ensure we can get it right on graduation day.
Student Recognition Ad
Deadline: Friday, February 7, 2025
Parents should click this link to create a Grad/Baby Ad in the 2025 LSHS Yearbook.
There are only 215 spots available. First come, first served.
COST: $35
Senior Job Shadow - Graduation Requirement
Due: Monday, April 21, 2025
The job shadow is a component of the Career Portfolio, the senior job shadow is a required activity for graduation from Lakeville Area Schools. Students that have completed the Career Investigations class or are a fulltime PSEO student DO NOT need to complete the job shadow or follow-up assignment, as those courses exempt students. STEM Capstone students, need to complete the assignment, but can use their STEM Capstone hours/job shadow.
A job shadow is a structured career activity where a student follows an employee at a company location to learn about a particular occupation or industry. The purpose of job shadowing is to help students explore a range of career options. For this to be a meaningful experience, students should shadow someone in their career path of interest. It should not be parents or someone where students are currently working. Those are opportunities for supplemental exploration.
The employee who is hosting the student is called an adult mentor. The student will experience a one-on-one relationship with an adult mentor, observing activities and gaining valuable information about a possible chosen career. Job shadowing helps students accomplish the following:
- Gain information about possible future career interests
- Observe the daily routine of their adult mentor
- Observe the system of the host company or business
- Gain an insight into the academic, technical, and personal skills required by a particular occupation
- Gain an understanding of the connection between school and work
- Gain information to assist students in goal-setting and educational planning
For completion of their LSHS Career Portfolio, seniors need to prepare by using the Job Shadow Packet to research and reach out for the mentor/location for the opportunity, attend their Job Shadow, then finish with the Senior Job Shadow Follow-Up Assignment and Mock Interview Questionnaire by the noted deadline.
Cap & Gown Ordering Information
Deadline: Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Though it may seem like graduation is a long way away, preparation for the big day starts now.
Follow the steps below for ordering your complimentary cap and gown provided by Lakeville South.
Steps to Order Your Cap and Gown
Click on link to website Herff Jones: Complimentary Cap & Gown.
Add to Cart: Select your cap and gown, then click "Add to Cart."
View Cart: Click "View Cart" to review your items.
Apply Promo Code: 2025GRAD → Click "Apply" → Ensure you see a green box confirming "Promo Applied."
Proceed to Checkout: Click "Checkout" to continue.
Enter Your Information: Fill in all required fields on the form.
Billing and Shipping: Provide billing and shipping details as prompted.
Place Your Order: Click "Place Order" to complete your purchase.
Confirmation Email: You should receive an email confirmation with your order details.
If you have questions regarding cap and gown please contact Angela Beschorner at
Request for Letter of Recommendation
To request a letter of recommendation, complete the Request for Letter of Recommendation Form. Be sure to inform the individual of your intentions at least two weeks before the due date.
If letters of recommendation are required, please inform all individuals of your intentions two weeks before the due date to give them time to write your letter. Fill out a Request for Letter of Recommendation Form and give it to the individual writing your letter. The information you provide on this form will help them write their letter of recommendation. Follow the directions from the scholarship application for how to submit letters of recommendation. Click on the link, download to your device, complete and save. Then print or send electronically.
Request for Letter of Recommendation Form
Yearbook Information
Senior Pictures Deadline: Friday, November 1, 2024
Yearbook accepts only digital photo submissions for senior photos.
You should upload your senior picture by Friday, November 1, 2024.
Save photos as a JPEG at 300 dpi using a vertical pose. In Photoshop, save at quality level 12.
PLEASE NOTE: Upload your senior photo to the following private submission website exclusive to Lakeville South High School (through our publisher’s photo sharing service).
The person who uploads the picture will give an email address in case of questions.
Photo Guidelines:
Students can be creative in the photos they submit. However, keep the following in mind:
- No props. This means no: pets, sporting/musical/artistic equipment, or vehicles.
- Vertical pose preferred (up and down). Indoor or outdoor scenes are allowed.
- No studio or student names imprinted on the photograph.
- Select a picture that clearly shows your face. Friends and family want to see you!
- Clothes must be school appropriate: Check the student planner; review the dress code.
If in doubt, have another photo ready that’s clearly acceptable; then bring both photos to Mr. Remington personally (room C312).
Order your Yearbook Today!
The yearbook staff reserves the right to crop or edit pictures as needed to conform to the senior portrait policy.