Senior Job Shadow
As a component of the Career Portfolio, the senior job shadow is a required activity for graduation from Lakeville Area Schools. Students that have completed the Career Investigations class or are a fulltime PSEO student DO NOT need to complete the job shadow or follow-up assignment, as those courses exempt students.
A job shadow is a structured career activity where a student follows an employee at a company location to learn about a particular occupation or industry. The purpose of job shadowing is to help students explore a range of career options. For this to be a meaningful experience, students should shadow someone in their career path of interest. It should not be parents or someone where students are currently working. Those are opportunities for supplemental exploration.
The employee who is hosting the student is called an adult mentor. The student will experience a one-on-one relationship with an adult mentor, observing activities and gaining valuable information about a possible chosen career. Job shadowing helps students accomplish the following:
- Gain information about possible future career interests
- Observe the daily routine of their adult mentor
- Observe the system of the host company or business
- Gain an insight into the academic, technical, and personal skills required by a particular occupation
- Gain an understanding of the connection between school and work
- Gain information to assist students in goal-setting and educational planning
For completion of their LSHS Career Portfolio, seniors need to prepare by using the Job Shadow Packet to research and reach out for the mentor/location for the opportunity, attend their Job Shadow, then finish with the Senior Job Shadow Follow-Up Assignment by the noted deadline.
When to Complete the Job Shadow
You are encouraged to do your job shadow on evenings, weekends or on non-school days: October 16, 17, 18, November 4, 5, Winter Break (December 23 - January 1), January 20, 23, 24, February 17 and Spring Break (March 27 - April 4). Seniors are not to miss any class time, including any distance learning, if applicable, for completion of this activity and the due date remains the same.
Senior Job Shadow Instructions and Follow-Up Assignment for Class of 2025
This LSHS Job Shadow Packet should be your starting point to help search for one and/or prepare for it. Then, at some point during your job shadow, the Mock Interview Questionnaire (#1) should be completed by your mentor, and you should complete the Post Job Shadow Assignment (#2). Both forms are required to receive credit for the job shadow.
- Your job shadow mentor should complete the Mock Interview Questionnaire sometime during your job shadow experience.
- Post Job Shadow Assignment: This is a reflection of information gathered and is to be completed AFTER the actual Job Shadow. You will need to access MCIS in order to answer some of the questions on follow-up assignment.
To log in to MCIS:
- Go to
- Click the "Log in with Clever" button.
- Type in "Lakeville South" under Search for your school and then select it.
- Click on "Log in with Google."
- Students can now enter their school email username and password to login.
Helpful Tips
- What are the education and training requirements?
- What are the low-end, median, and high-end wages?
- What is the employment outlook for this occupation?
- List at least 3 other occupations that are similar or related to this occupation.
- Name 3 post-secondary institutions that offer training in the area of this job field.
The answers to these questions should be recorded into the Post Job Shadow Assignment with other observations from your Job Shadow in order to complete your Job Shadow assignment. Our Career Center Coordinator will receive notification of your completion of the Google Doc and be able to see the job saved in MCIS. There is no need to follow-up. Once the deadline has passed, you will be notified within a few weeks IF your graduation requirement HAS NOT BEEN met... No news is good news! If you have any questions, please contact your Dean.