All students will register for their courses for the next school year by accessing the Infinite Campus Registration portal. Students are able to view and register for courses online at home or at school.
The Campus Registration Portal will be open for registration:
January 30th-February 7th, 2025
Registration for the next school year will begin on Thursday, January 30th. The registration portal on Infinite Campus will be open on January 30th and will remain open until February 7th. On January 30th, students will begin registration during their Cougar Time. The Counselors will help answer questions regarding your student’s registration process during small group sessions starting on Friday, January 31, 2025.
REGISTRATION MEETINGS & REGISTRATION FAIR - Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
- 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. Auditorium: Incoming 9th Grade Student/Parent Meeting
An informational registration meeting for parents will be held in the high school auditorium at 6:30 p.m. on January 29th. This meeting is primarily for parents and students of incoming 9th grade students, as well as families new to the registration process at Lakeville South.
- 7:15 - 7:45 p.m. Auditorium: PSEO Informational Meeting (11th & 12th Grade)
An informational meeting regarding PSEO will be held at 7:15 p.m. in the high school auditorium for all families interested in learning more about PSEO and the process of registration. This is geared towards 11th and 12th grade students and families.
- 7:15 p.m. Lecture Hall: Special Education Meeting
All families with students on an IEP are invited to attend an informational meeting and will have an opportunity for Q &A session with our Special Education Coordinator at 7:15 p.m.
- 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Commons: Department Open House
All students and families are invited to meet with teachers and learn more about the classes we offer at Lakeville South. Please stop by the variety of tables to find out what classes will best fit the needs of your student.
Review the information under the Academics area of the website to register for the courses that will be most beneficial for you.
- Review the Course Descriptions on the Program of Studies page.
- Refer to the Credit Check forms to ensure graduation requirements are being met with your selections. Students should use the “Elective Courses by Career Field” (copies can be obtained in the Student Services Office or online) to help guide their course registration decisions.
- Students should consider post-secondary plans while making selections. Students should use career portfolio assessments and MCIS career activities results to help guide course selection to match specific career interests.
- Prerequisites and prior/current courses need to be considered when registering.
- Discuss choices with parents, guardians, teachers and Counselors.
- Complete the appropriate Course Selection Form for your grade.
Type of Schedules
Most students follow a traditional 6 period a day schedule. Students in 10th or 11th grade are eligible for an early bird schedule if they are in Encore or Jazz Band. These students are placed in these classes after their auditions. Students interested in these courses should register for Choir or Band and they will be placed in the early bird spot if they make it.
Traditional |
Early Bird |
Early Bird Period |
Period 1 | Period 1 |
Period 2 | Period 2 |
Period 3 | Period 3 |
Period 4 | Period 4 |
Period 5 | Period 5 |
Period 6 | Period 6 |
Course Selection Forms
Another document created to assist in registration for classes is entitled, "Course Selection Form." The course selection forms include a list of all courses available by grade level. For instance, the 9th grade course selection form lists all required courses and all electives available to freshmen. Please note, it is important to read each course description in the Program of Studies, as there are prerequisites for many courses. This form is distributed to all students and is available online during registration.
9th Grade Course Selection Form